About Us


The Bethel Circuit, empowered by the Holy Spirit will be dynamic in its approach as it transforms the Church into spreading scriptural holiness throughout the land and to reform the nation through inclusiveness, unity of purpose, worship, life and witness through a vibrant prophetic


To make disciples of all people, through the propagation of the gospel, evangelism programs, promotion of  godliness and moral behaviour in our country, and to be a source of charity and support to all in need.

Our Beliefs

The Methodist Church claims and cherishes its place in the Holy Catholic Church which is the Body of Christ. It rejoices in the inheritance of the Apostolic Faith and loyally accepts the fundamental principles of the historic creeds and of the Protestant Reformation. It ever remembers that in the Providence of God, Methodism was raised up to spread Scriptural Holiness through the land by the proclamation of the evangelical faith and declares its unfaltering resolve to be true to its divinely appointed mission.The doctrines of the evangelical faith which Methodism has held from the beginning and still holds are based upon the divine revelation recorded in the Holy Scriptures. The Methodist Church acknowledges this revelation as the supreme rule of faith and practice. These evangelical doctrines to which the preachers of the Methodist Church are pledged are contained in Wesley's Notes on the New Testament and the first four volumes of his sermons .

Our Sacraments


Methodists recognise two sacraments as ordained by Christ:

  • The Sacrament of Holy Communion or the Lord’s Supper
  • The Sacrament of Holy Baptism

These two acts have a special place in the church because Jesus commanded them and participated in them. Baptism symbolises the beginning of our lifelong journey as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Our founder, John Wesley noted that

“Sacraments ordained of Christ are not only badges or tokens of the Christian’s profession, but rather they are certain signs of grace and God’s good-will toward us, by which He doth not only quicken, but also strengthen and confirm, our faith in Him.”

On the significance and benefits of Baptism Wesley wrote:

“Baptism is the initiatory sacrament, which enters us into covenant with God. It was instituted by Christ, who alone has power to institute a proper sacrament, a sign, seal, pledge and means of grace, perpetually obligatory on all Christians.”

Methodists practice only one baptism.


We believe in the Trinity:

  • Father, Son and Holy Spirit
  • In Jesus Christ as the means of our salvation


By “Catholic Church ” we mean the “universal church”


By this mean that all of us (clergy as well laity) share the responsibility of ministering to others

Our History

History of Methodism

Methodism is the name given to a group of Protestant churches that arose from the 18th century Wesleyan movement in England led by John and Charles Wesley.  The Wesleys and their associate George Whitefield, traveled widely, preaching to huge, enthusiastic crowds of working people. Wesley’s Methodist connection included organized societies, initially throughout England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, before spreading to other parts of the English-speaking world and beyond. Although centered in the British Isles and North America, Methodism has spread worldwide with a total world community estimated at more than 75 million. The account of Methodism in the West Indies began with Mr. Nathaniel Gilbert, who was the speaker of the House of Assembly and a planter from Antigua. He was the owner of two sugar estates and was responsible for the spread of Methodism in the West Indies. Gilbert traveled to England with three of his slaves, and on January 15, 1759 arranged a drawing room meeting in Wandsworth, with John Wesley as Preacher. Subsequently, Nathaniel Gilbert and two of his slaves were converted. Methodism was brought to Barbados in 1788 by Dr Thomas Coke, a driving force behind early Methodist missionary activity. Dr. Coke's visit resulted in the establishment of organized Methodism in Bridgetown and by 1793, Methodists were often viewed by the Barbadian upper classes as anti-slavery agitators, and, Methodist missionaries regarded as agents of the England-based Anti-Slavery Society. Within forty years, this society became the Wesleyan Methodist Church, based in the city, ready for expansion throughout the island.

Sarah Ann Gill was of mixed race (born to a black mother and white father) and notably felt the brunt of the racism that was inherent in Barbadian society at the time. She became a full member of the Methodist Church by 1820, at a time when methodism challenged the existing social order in Barbados As Methodism grew in popularity, so did the hostility from the Upper Class towards its membership which primarily included blacks, as well as those referred to as ‘coloured,’ like Sarah Ann. Even though Methodist missionaries were being run from the island and the Methodist chapel in Bridgetown was destroyed by a mob of white rioters in 1823, Sarah Ann opened up her house as a church. She did so despite being met with more serious oppression and persecution, including constant threats against her life and warnings that her home would be burnt down.

Additionally, Sarah Ann was persecuted by society and the legal authorities for holding ‘illegal meetings.’, because the Conventicles Act of 1664 prohibited no more than five persons gathering for worship at any one time, unless in a ‘licensed meeting place, led by a licensed preacher,’ Her persistence with hosting these worship services and the badgering by magistrates for all manner of allegations, ended up with Sarah Ann being prosecuted by the House of Assembly.

Her strength and determination for the cause at hand, was such that she was willing to risk her very own life for what her belief. Her courage, perseverance and commitment to religious freedom set her apart from the Christian stewards of her day. In so discharging her primary duty to God, she undoubtedly ensured a standard by which the Barbadian society has been greatly uplifted and enriched. Today, the Methodist Church is locally and regionally recognized as a Church of excellence in the arena of tradition, liturgy and outreach The Circuit System

The Methodist Circuit administrative system was established in 1846. The "Barbados Circuit" consisted of the following Churches: James Street, Bethel, Providence, Ebenezer, Speightstown, St. Lucy and Belmont. In 1862, there had been a proposal from Rev. Bleby, resident at Ebenezer Circuit, for a division of Circuits. At that time, the Churches in the Bethel Circuit included Bethel, Providence, Dalkeith and Belmont. In the 1869 report to Synod, Providence was part of Ebenezer Circuit, but the 1874 report refers to Providence as a Circuit consisting of Providence and Vauxhall.

In 1905, Synod recommended the amalgamation of the Providence and Ebenezer Circuits. Later that year, there was a separation of the two circuits. In 1915, at the request of the Quarterly meeting, was the separation of Providence. It was felt that this would provide the means for better administration. Therefore, from 1920, the Bethel Circuit consisted of Bethel, Belmont, Dalkeith, Vauxhall, Providence and South District Churches.

Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas

The Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas was inaugurated in 1967 at the Methodist Conference Centre, St John's, Antigua and Barbuda, where it currently has its headquarters. Beginning with the witness and preaching of the speaker of the House of Assembly in Antigua in 1760, the work grew into a mission field of the Methodist Missionary Society of London. In 1786 several British ministers arrived, who were stationed in Antigua, St Kitts and St Vincent. The MCCA has among its objectives the releasing of a new spiritual dynamic in the territories, increasing the witness and service of the church, and mobilizing its resources to work for development and Christian unity. Up to 1996 the Conference of the MCCA met annually in May. In 1997 the MCCA made structural changes and the Conference was renamed the Connexional Conference and now meets every three years. The conference comprises eight districts:

  • Bahamas/Turks and Caicos Islands,
  • Belize/Honduras,
  • Guyana,
  • Haiti,
  • Jamaica,
  • Leeward Islands,
  • Panama/Costa Rica and
  • South Caribbean.

The church therefore covers an area where English, French, Spanish, Dutch, French Creole, Papiamento and Guyami (the language of the Guyami Indians of Panama) are spoken. Close ties have been maintained with British Methodists through its World Church Office in London, and both churches have a continuing interest in partnership and mission. The church has always been involved in ecumenical activity and, as a founding member, continues to be an active participant in the Caribbean Conference of Churches. Mandate of the South Caribbean District (SCD) The general Mandate of the Methodist Church of the Caribbean and the Americas is: “Raised up by God to spread scriptural holiness throughout the Land and to reform the Nation”. The SCD comprises ten Circuits in five Caribbean states namely, Barbados, Grenada, Saint Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Trinidad and Tobago. During the recent 5th District Council of the South Caribbean District of the Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas, held in January 2019, the new Bishop Rev. Derick A. Richards was elected. His aim is to enable a meaningful engagement of young people and children in strategically positioning the church for the future. His vision is quoted as “Our Youth will help to create impactful and sustainable solutions to the challenges that we face as a Church”

MCCA Crest


  • The CROSS CROSSLET – four Latin crosses on a common base pointing North, South, East and West. Indicates that the mission of the Church is in all directions. The World is the field.
  • The SHIELD – per pale per chevron in its divisions – bears the ancestral shield of Methodism on the top right with the top left in sky blue which is a blend of the white and the blue of the other sections.
  • The SUN – with the circle of eternity enclosing the IHS – Jesus is the Sun of Righteousness reflection Malachi 4:2 . Our territories are the Lands in the Sun. HE is risen upon us.
  • The WESLEY or METHODIST Shield, with its scallop shells of Pilgrimage, holds our ‘ancestry’. We are of the Methodist family.
  • The FISHERMAN’S BOAT – or the SHIP – symbol of the Church, which sails even on the troubled seas. This is appropriate for our Area where there is so much sea and the ‘fishers of men’ must sail on the mission of the Church
  • The MOTTO on the scroll – ‘THE LOVE OF CHRIST CONSTRAINS US’ (2 Corinthians 5:14) – Indicates our motivation and power. The text is centered in the Conference Hymn written by the Rev. H. B. Sherlock, 0.B.E.

John Wesley

The founders of the Methodist movement were John and Charles Wesley, who both attended Oxford University. John Wesley (June 28 O.S. June 17 1703 – March 2, 1791) was an eighteenth-century Anglican minister and Christian theologian. John became Fellow of Lincoln College in 1726, and was ordained a priest in the Church of England (Anglican Church) in 1728. Charles, still a student began to meet with a group of friends for reading and religious study. John became involved as the group’s senior member, and its activities expanded to include charitable work among the poor and the imprisoned. Their concern for disciplined spirituality earned them the nickname “The Holy Club” or “Methodists” for their methodical approach. Methodists, under Wesley’s direction, became leaders in many social justice issues of the day including prison reform and abolitionism movements. John Wesley’s quest for holiness and peace with God took him to the new colony of Georgia, in 1735, to work among the settlers and the Native Americans. After a disappointing ministry in Georgia, he returned to England three (3) years later. Wesley’s strength as a theologian lay in his ability to combine seemingly opposing theological viewpoints. His greatest theological achievement was his promotion of what he termed “Christian perfection,” or holiness of heart and life. Wesley insisted that in this life, the Christian could come to a state where the love of God, or perfect love, reigned supreme in one’s heart. His evangelical theology, especially his understanding of Christian perfection, was firmly grounded in his sacramental theology. He continually insisted on the general use of the means of grace (prayer, Scripture, meditation, Holy Communion, etc.) as the means by which God transformed the believer.

For further information on John Wesley visit the Wesley Centre online

© 2024. A website of The Methodist Church Bethel Circuit