Mission and Evangelism

The Circuit Mission and Evangelism Committee.


The Circuit Mission and Evangelism Committee meets twice each year in October and April and at such other times as is deemed necessary for the effective execution of its functions.


A Chairperson and Secretary are elected in October and holds office for one year.

Officers for 2020-21 are Chairperson – Sis Sonia Rowe; Secretary – Sis Bonita Wharton


The Circuit Mission and Evangelism Committee comprises the following members:
(i) One minister or probationer appointed to the Circuit.
(ii) Two representatives from the Mission and Evangelism Committee of each Congregation.
(iii) The Circuit Stewards.
(iv) The local preachers in the Circuit. (Candidates on note and on trial may attend as observers).
(v) Commissioned lay workers
(vi) Not less than three and not more than six members elected by the Circuit Council.
(vii) Lay members of the District Conference Mission and Evangelism and Church Growth Committee who are members in the Circuit.
(i) To promote evangelization in the Circuit by working in collaboration with the Mission and Evangelism Committees of the Congregations.
(ii)To encourage and extend the witness of the Church by all means at its disposal through the planting of new Congregations in new and developing areas.
(iii) To stimulate and develop an effective ministry to institutions within the Circuit
(iv)To co-ordinate and promote the work of Christian Stewardship and Christian Social Witness throughout the Circuit
(v) To support ecumenical relationships and assist in ecumenical ventures among the Churches and other religious bodies in the Circuit
(vi) To identify social projects and formulate proposals for adoption and implementation by the Circuit Council.
(vii) To promote and encourage the spiritual and functional growth of members by ensuring that suitable literature is made available to the Circuit.
(viii) To supervise the work of commissioned lay workers in evangelism.


Care Fund
Our Care Fund is the way that the Church supports any individuals or vulnerable families that may present with particular needs. Funds are collected from the congregation and the Care Fund Stewards identify persons to whom funds are distributed. Members are also encouraged to increase their giving to the Care Fund.

Five Loaves Two Fishes Ministry
A FIVE LOAVES TWO FISH MINISTRY was implemented to assist persons directly affected by the pandemic and was launched on September 26, 2020. As a result of the COVID 19 Pandemic, it was discovered that many more persons were in need of assistance, and that the Care Fund was not adequate to meet the current needs. Our reach has expanded as well and includes local congregation, communities and schools and includes payment of utility bills.
This initiative is based on the story of the “Feeding of the Five Thousand” when Jesus blessed the loaves and fish and they increased.
Members are encouraged to bring what they can, however small, in cash or kind. Non-perishable food items may be placed in food collection bins in the congregations

Why Evangelise?
Jesus’ mission while He was upon the earth was to seek and to save the lost (Luke 19:10). Jesus commanded the Church as the body of Christ, to continue His mission. He calls us not only to come to Him but to go for Him. If we are part of God’s family, our mission is mandatory, not optional.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age” ( Matthew 28:19-20 NRSV).
What is Evangelism?
Evangelism, the communication of the gospel message, includes a warning, an explanation and a call. Evangelism :

warning people about sin and the consequences of sin (John 16:8);

an explanation of God’s remedy for sin-(Acts 8:29-35; 2 Corinthians 5:21); and

it gives a clear call to repent (to turn from sin and to turn toward God) and believe the gospel, by faith (Mark1:15; Luke 13: 1-50).

Evangelism Teams
Evangelism Teams are to be set up in each Congregation following the Evangelism Training Course
A core group is to be established in each Congregation to see that the plans from the current M & E Training are implemented

Organise a picnic to evangelize persons with whom we come in contact

Organise a Thanksgiving Service –“Harvesting Of Souls”. A Soul Winning Sunday

Set up a Prayer List

Organise for Hospital Ministry, Ministry to Polyclinics,

Devotions at Schools

Visitation to Homes
Programme Of Missions - Mission & Evangelism Sunday
The Circuit M & E Committee will launch the Programme of Missions to the Community on Covenant Lord’s Day 7th January 2021.
In preparation for this activity, M & E Committees in each congregation will prepare their teams for visitation between November 2020 and December 2020 as follows

  • Conducting evangelism Training for their teams
  • Engaging in Prayer and Fasting
  • Prayer walking in their communities.
    Sis. Dr. Evelyn Mc Collin will prepare a brief Ceremony to be used in all the Churches on Covenant Lord’s Day to launch this aspect of the Mission & Evangelism programme.

© 2024. A website of The Methodist Church Bethel Circuit