Organization and Education

The Circuit Organisations and Education Committee.

A Circuit Organisations and Education (O and E) Committee is appointed and meets twice each year in October and April and at such other times as is desirable for the effective performance of its duties.


A Chairperson and Secretary are elected in October and holds office for one year.
Officers for 2020-21 are Chairperson – Sis Natalie Phillips; Secretary – Sis Lucille Goddard


The O and E committee comprises the following members:

(i) One minister or probationer appointed to the Circuit.
(ii) Commissioned lay workers in the Circuit.
(iii) Two representatives from the O and E Committee of each Congregation.
(iv) The Convener of each commission under the auspices of the Committee.
(v) The General Superintendent of each Church School.
(vi) A representative of the Board of Management of the Day Schools in the Circuit.
(vii) Not less than three and not more than twelve members appointed by the Circuit Council.
(viii) Other resource persons deemed necessary, and co-opted by the Committee who shall have
the right to speak but not to vote.


(i) To review, organise, extend and promote work among children, youth, young adults, men and women and to ensure that adequate provision is made for their Christian education, nurture and spiritual growth.
(ii) To promote co-operation among the organisations in the Congregations, including conventions, competitions, special observances, circuit enterprises and community service.
(iii) To promote and develop the work of the Church Schools and uniformed organisations.
(iv) To identify and train suitable persons for leadership roles in all the organisations and institutions in the Circuit.
(v) To receive and consider the semi-annual and annual reports and statistical returns of all Organisations and Institutions, and to report to the Circuit Council.
(vi) To supervise the work of commissioned lay workers in Christian Education.
(vii) To co-ordinate, promote and extend the work of educational institutions and to provide adequate chaplaincies to these institutions.
(viii) To appoint its own chairperson and secretary from among its members.
(ix) To ensure that Methodist teaching is widely inculcated among the members of the Church.

Plans for the Church year are as follows:-

There will be a male forum facilitated with the young males in the Circuit between ages 11 and 21 years. The suggested dates are Friday, March 19 and April 2, 2021.

MCCA Men’s Service will be held on Sunday, February 28, 2021 at Ebenezer Methodist Church at 5:00 p.m.

Women’s Commission Initiative -Event Planning-Part 2 session to be conducted by Sis. Maureen Pollard on Monday, February 22, 2021.

Bethel Circuit Women’s Commission will prepare a weekly devotional article for the Circuit Website.


Proposed Training for Class leaders and Members to be held on Monday, November 16, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. The Facilitator is to be decided by the Superintendent Minister.

Series of sessions on Public speaking – The proposed Facilitator is Mrs. Joy Adamson on four Saturdays in March (Saturday, March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2021 at 5:00 p.m).

Functions of Committees in the Methodist Church – to be conducted by the Circuit Organizations & Education Committee on Monday, May 24, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.

© 2024. A website of The Methodist Church Bethel Circuit