Children's Ministry

Children’s Ministry
All churches in the Bethel circuit conduct Church School Programmes for our children and Youth during the services. The aim of our church school to enhance the spiritual and emotional development of our children. Through our church school programmes, the children are taught using a set curriculum identified by the Church School Superintendents and through regular Gospel readings, biblical discussions and age-appropriate activities the children are offered biblical knowledge ad encouraged to provide it in their lives. The Children also participate in the Harvest cantatas, Easter and Christmas production=s

Children are offered new perspectives in the Pearls of Wisdom programme where guest speakers share on careers and personal development

Children’s Camp usually in May and the Annual Vacation Bible School. As a result of the Covid 19 pandemic these activities have been rescheduled.

Our Church schools have been severely impacted by the Covid Pandemic and many of the children have not returned to the physical church setting. Consequently a decision has been taken to commence Virtual Church School in the third quarter.
Sunday School Teachers will be trained in early March and an updated curriculum will be in place to facilitate this new mode of learning.


A Prayer and Encouragement Evening will be held on Wednesday May 19, 2021 for students sitting internal and High Stakes Examinations.

Meet our Superintendents
“Aunt Rita” – Bethel Church School
Auntie Rita’s sojourn as Superintendent of the Bethel Church School

I began teaching Church School in the 1980s and subsequently I assumed the position of Superintendent of the Church School in the early 1990s. Generally, the attendance in the Church School ranges between 65 and 70 children. The Church School Teachers and the students attend worship service every Sunday and then leave during the service at 9:30 a.m for Church School. We thank God for what he has done and continues to do for us during these past years. More importantly, the Church School would not be the vibrant and growing organization without my Assistant Superintendent, Sis. Gailene Brathwaite and all of the Church School Teachers and their Assistants.
The final day of the Church prior to the onset of Covid-19 was on Sunday, March 22, 2020. We later reopened on Sunday, September 21, 2020 with the introduction of the same protocols as day schools. There were approximately 30 children who attended and the number of students who attend vary every Sunday. On Sunday, October 25, we celebrated Educational Sunday and there were approximately 50 children who attended Church School. The children and the adults were encouraged to wear their school uniform or any element that represents their alma mater. There was a Speaker in the name of Mr. Carl Applewaite who addressed the students. On Sunday, November 29, 2020, we will be celebrating Parents’ Appreciation Day and we are inviting parents to come and share with us as the children will be demonstrating their appreciation. We are also encouraging the children and parents to wear Independence colours. In celebration of Christmas, we are inviting everyone to come and share in the Christmas story.
Simply put, we are adhering to all of the health and precautionary protocols and as such we are encouraging all children to attend Church School.

“Aunty Zelda”- Vauxhall Church School

“Zelda Mondere loves children as you can tell by my place of work, Paredos, where I am the Day Care Manager. I have been attending the Vauxhall Methodist Church from a babe. My mentors include the late Rosalind Jones and local preacher Carol Taylor who were always encouraging and praying for me. So naturally when Rosalind Jones retired from the post of Superintendent, she encouraged me to take up the post. I have been the Superintendent for over 12 years now. There where trials but kept on pressing forward in the name of the Lord because I know it is my calling.”
Matthew 19:14 –But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” 
Children have an important role to play in the Church and will always be a part of service because the are a gift from God.

© 2024. A website of The Methodist Church Bethel Circuit