Men's Ministry

Men’s Ministry

The Methodist Church in the Caribbean and the Americas (MCCA) is the autonomous body of Christian believers established by that name under the constitution.

MCCA Men is the connexional umbrella organisation primarily responsible for the promotion and oversight of men's work in all Districts of the MCCA. All male confirmed members of the MCCA in good standing are full members of MCCA Men.


The mission of MCCA Men to provide inspiration, leadership and opportunities for Methodist men in the Caribbean and the Americas to fulfil the ministry to which they are called in their homes, churches and communities.

It aims to develop and offer resources and empower men at district, circuit and congregational levels to engage in a dynamic, vibrant and meaningful Christian ministry.


The specific objectives of MCCA Men shall be:

a) To provide avenues for the constituent groups and their members to be nurtured in their spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual growth, consistently with the Standing Orders of the MCCA.

b) To build and sustain effective men's ministries in Congregations, Circuits, Districts and the Connexion by enabling men to understand their identity in Christ, thereby cultivating a real commitment to Christian discipleship.

c) To develop effective leadership skills which men can use to fulfil their ministries wherever they are.

d) To identify and develop the gifts and talents of the males in our churches and communities, so that they can participate in activities that meet the mission needs and social challenges within their own environments.

e) To promote wholesome growth and transformed lives among males through our Church's Christ-centered programmes.

f) To promote and facilitate collaboration amongst member Districts towards the general welfare and continued development of the Church within the Connexion.

MCCA Men’s Lord’s Day

The 2021 MCCA Men’s Lord’s Day is scheduled for Sunday, 28th February, under the theme “Behold I am about to do a new thing” and all are invited to participate in this day of celebration and praise.

In the morning we will be celebrating family when the three Circuits in Barbados join in a National Service at 9:00 am streamed via YouTube. The preacher will be Rev. Adrian Odle, Superintendent Minister in the Bethel Circuit.   

In the evening we will have the inaugural District MCCA Men’s Rally, via YouTube, when the men from all the Circuits across the District come together for a spirit filled worship experience commencing at 4:45 pm with sweet Caribbean steel pan music. The featured Speaker will be Rev. Tui Nuku Smith, Minister in the Kingstown/Chateaubelair Circuit.

Join us for this glorious experience as we celebrate, worship and rejoice in the Saving Grace of God and see what God can do.

Men’s Commission
The Bethel circuit MCCA Men's Commission, was established to facilitate and implement the programmes of MCCA Men within the Circuit. The Executive of the circuit Commission comprises,

President – Keith Hall,

Vice-President –Jason Clarke,

Secretary – Udall Smith,

Treasurer – Mark Ellis

The Men’s Commission operates in accordance with the following MCCA Motto, pledge and prayer:


The Motto Of MCCA Men shall be:
"Through Love Serve one Another" Galatians 5:13


The pledge of MCCA Men:
"I promise by God's help, to work through MCCA Men:-
i) To fellowship with others in Christian comradeship.
ii) To actively participate in all aspects of Christian stewardship.
iii) To exercise all diligence in knowing Christ and making him known and to
be fervent in encouraging other males into discipleship.

c) The Prayer of MCCA Men:
"Teach us good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deserveth: to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labour and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do Thy will, through Jesus Christ our Lord". (Saint Ignatius of Loyola)

d) The Hymn of MCCA Men is "Rise up O Men of God”


The Bethel circuit Men’s Commission convened their initial meeting for this new church year on September 23 rd and this was done virtually by way of the Zoom platform.
Among discussion towards our way forward, much emphasis was placed on methods the commission needs to employ while endeavoring to attract not only younger men, but adults who worship in our respective congregations.
On Saturday October 17 th , we conducted a training session in an effort to familiarize members (men and women) in the use of technology, which has become relevant to us, especially during this covid-19 era. This exercise took place in the Bethel Church Hall.

We are committed to the call of “Men as followers of Christ”.

Men’s Fellowship

The Motto of the Men’s Fellowship is ‘Builders for Christ’
The Theme Hymn is MHB 585 - - - “Rise up, O Men of God…’
Text Ephesians 4:12 - “To prepare God’s People for the works of Service, so that
The Body of Christ may be built up.”
To enable men to serve God in Christ
To provide programmes to assist in the holistic development of its members, i.e. spiritual, social, educational
To use its resources for the benefit of its members and the wider community particularly those with special needs.
To work in collaboration with other organizations in furthering the work of God.

© 2024. A website of The Methodist Church Bethel Circuit